1 minute read

This is a similar post to the one described here about linking a GitHub repo to the GEUS Dataverse. I would recommend reading that post first for a general overview of the steps and set-up components needed.

The steps for setting this up with Gitlab are pretty similar for linking a repo to the GEUS Dataverse, but there are some key differences.

Using Gitlab CI/CD to construct a pipeline

Gitlab CI/CD is similar to GitHub Actions in that you can construct jobs to run automatically at set times. This should be a yml file located at the top directory of your repo and named .gitlab-ci..yml. The contents of this job is fairly similar to the GitHub yml action workflow.

# Gitlab-to-Dataverse uploader 

image: python:3.9

    DATAVERSE_SERVER: "https://dataverse.dataverse.dk"
    DATAVERSE_DATASET_DOI: "doi:10.22008/FK2/IPOHT5"
    GITHUB_DIR: "./"
    DELETE: "true"
    PUBLISH: "false"

    - apt-get update && apt-get install -y git python3-pip
    - git clone https://github.com/IQSS/dataverse-uploader.git dataverse-uploader
    - cd dataverse-uploader
    - pip install -r requirements.txt

Scheduling a pipeline

Once a pipeline has been created, how often it runs can be set using the Schedules settings under the CI/CD menu in Gitlab. This is essentially a cron job syntax, so say we wanted a job to run every day at 12.00 then it would look something like this:

0 12 * * *

Another option is to have the pipeline run after a trigger event has happened on the repo. This can either be defined in Settings >> CI/CD >> Pipeline triggers or can be added to the top of the .gitlab-ci..yml file with the workflow and rules parameters

        - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push"

This example above executes the pipeline after something has been pushed to the repo, for example.

Further reading

Introduction to Gitlab CI/CD

Terminology for CI/CD yml workflow

Gitlab CI/CD workflow rules documentation

Converting GitHub Actions to Gitlab CI/CD

The Dataverse uploader repo