3 minute read

Where does our Level 3 AWS data reside?

The Level 3 automated weather station (AWS) datasets from the PROMICE and GC-Net monitoring programmes live in numerous places:

  1. The GEUS Dataverse, where monthly product updates are made. This is the final, curated version of the AWS data.
  2. Our thredds server, where near-real-time products can be found. This is considered an operational, uncurated version of the AWS data.
  3. Our Gitlab aws-l3 and aws-l3-dev repos. Internal use and access only!
  4. Our internal server drive, glaciologi. Internal use and access only!

What data is on the glaciologi drive?

The glaciologi drive holds a mirror copy of our aws-l3-dev repo. This is Level 3 data produced by our developmental processing workflow. Therefore, the data held here may not be the same as those found in our publicly available spaces.

The data is mirrored from the GEUS processing server to the glaciologi drive, in the glaciologi/AWS directory. This updates every hour with the newest Level 3 data from the transmitted data (tx) from each AWS.

What if I cannot see new data on the glaciologi drive?

There can be some reasons that new data is not showing up in the glaciologi drive.

  1. The most common reason is because there has been an outage in our servers, which has unmounted the drive for mirroring
  2. Another reason may be that new additions are being tested on the development side that are not processing correctly and uploading to aws-l3.

How to re-mount the glaciologi drive

If the drive is unmounted, there are some simple steps that you can perform to re-mount the drive and fetch the latest data. First, connect to the glacio01 server where the developmental processing workflow is being performed.

$ ssh glacio01

It is likely that you will be prompted for your username and password. Please remember that these are credentials for access to the server, not your GEUS credentials.

Next, we can remount the glaciologi drive as so:

$ sudo mount -rw -t cifs -o username=<USERNAME>,uid=<UID>,gid=<GID> //#IP_ADDRESS/glaciologi /media/aws/glaciologi

Where <USERNAME> is your glacio01 username, and <UID> and <GID> are the identifiers associated with your username and your group. If you do not know the <UID> and <GID> then you can look them up with this command:

$ id

Once the glaciologi drive is remounted, perform the following rsync routine to fetch the latest data:

$ sudo rsync -r --exclude .git /mnt/data/aws/pypromice_aws/aws-l3 /media/aws/glaciologi/AWS

Be aware that you need sudo privileges in order to do this. You may be prompted for two passwords - one for your glacio01 user and another for your GEUS account (i.e. in order to access the glaciologi drive).

If no new data appears on the glaciologi drive after performing these steps then it is likely that the problems lies in the developmental processing workflow.

Example of re-mounting steps

  • Log on to the server
$ ssh glacio01
$ pho@glacio01's password: 

Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-208-generic x86_64)
  • Check your user id
$ id
  • Re-mount the glaciologi drive
$ sudo mount -rw -t cifs -o username=pho,uid=#ID,gid=#ID // /media/aws/glaciologi

[sudo] password for pho: 
Password for pho@//#IP_ADDRESS/glaciologi:  ****************
  • Check the re-mount has worked by searching for files
$ cd /media/aws/glaciologi
$ ls -l

total 180085
drwxr-xr-x 2 pho pho        0 Dec  5  2017 '10971 - AWSsalg'
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pho pho       40 May  3  2019  437BE3F4A354
drwxr-xr-x 2 pho pho        0 Oct 23  2019  79North
drwxr-xr-x 2 pho pho        0 Nov 18  2013  aerial_150K
drwxr-xr-x 2 pho pho        0 Dec  5  2017  ai
drwxr-xr-x 2 pho pho        0 Sep  7  2022  AKO
drwxr-xr-x 2 pho pho        0 May 28  2015  Albedo_products
drwxr-xr-x 2 pho pho        0 Oct 13  2017  Alcoa
drwxr-xr-x 2 pho pho        0 Dec  5  2017 'Analoge Grønlandsdata'
drwxr-xr-x 2 pho pho        0 Jan 24 14:23 'Analoge skovdata'
drwxr-xr-x 2 pho pho        0 Dec  5  2017  AnvendelseAfSatellitdata
drwxr-xr-x 2 pho pho        0 May 16  2018 'Arctic safety course 2018'
drwxr-xr-x 2 pho pho        0 Nov 25 14:26  AWS


