9 minute read

The following is a background and guide to the processing of BUFR files for submission of PROMICE and GC-Net data to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), via ftp upload to the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI).

Project background and motivation

The submission of near-real-time (NRT) data from PROMICE and GC-Net to the WMO has been a long-standing goal at GEUS. The data is intended to help improve numerical weather prediction (NWP) models, and is also used by DMI as input to the Copernicus Arctic Regional Reanalysis (CARRA). Integration of this data into operational products will establish a role for GEUS as a critical data provider in an otherwise data-sparse region.

Primary developers at GEUS are Patrick Wright and Penny How, in collaboration with Bjarne Amstrup and Erna Mourentza Beckmann at DMI. Project oversight by Robert Fausto and Andreas Ahlstrom at GEUS.


(to be updated as work progresses)

  • Fall 2021: Initial communications with DMI and stub out initial BUFR processing code. Penny How and Ken Mankoff determined that the PROMICE processing code first needed to be rewritten as a python3 package (pypromice) before continuing.
  • October - December 2022: BUFR processing code re-written to production state by Patrick Wright.
  • December 2022 - January 2023: Work with Erna Beckmann at DMI to register stations with OSCAR/Surface using WIGOS identifiers.
  • January 2023: BUFR files posted hourly to DMI ftp directory for further review by Bjarne Amstrup at DMI (data not yet submitted to WMO). Code debugging and updates as needed.

BUFR processing workflow


The BUFR processing is “driven” by pypromice/bin/getBUFR, which is called in l3_processor.sh as:

echo '======================================='
echo "Running BUFR file export for DMI/WMO..."

echo 'Removing all bufr files from BUFR_out'
cd /home/pwright/GEUS/pypromice-dev/pypromice/
rm src/pypromice/postprocess/BUFR_out/*.bufr

echo 'Running getBUFR...'
getBUFR --positions

echo 'Running bufr_wrapper.sh...'
cd /data/pypromice_aws/

echo '======================================='

getBUFR imports functions from pypromice.postprocess.csv2bufr and config objects from pypromice.postprocess.wmo_config. The following is completed for each station:

  • Read L3 transmitted data files from aws-l3/tx/*/*_hour.csv
  • Use the most recent valid observation set to create a BUFR file, written to src/pypromice/postprocess/BUFR_out/.
  • Included variables are instantaneous air temperature, relative humidity, pressure, wind speed and wind direction. In the future, we can consider including radiation variables and precipitation.


After all stations are processed in getBUFR, we run bufr_wrapper.sh which completes the following:

  • If the BUFR_out directory exists, and is empty, then exit. Nothing to do.
  • If BUFR files are present, concat all files to a single BUFR file named with the convention geus_YYYYMMDDThhmm.bufr.
  • Use in-line python to read credentials/credential.ini using configparser.
  • Use credentials to upload concatenated BUFR file to DMI ftp upload directory.

Note that we are currently using simple ftp to complete this upload (as specified by DMI). However, this is not a very secure method and we may want to consider asking DMI to switch to sftp or ssh methods in the future.

Setup and usage

Optional args

getBUFR has optional command-line args which can be configured in parse_arguments() (see getBUFR --help):

  --dev                 If included (True), run in dev mode. Useful for repeated runs of script between
  --positions           If included (True), make a positions dict and output AWS_station_locations.csv file.
  --positions-filepath POSITIONS_FILEPATH
                        Path to write AWS_station_locations.csv file.
  --time-limit TIME_LIMIT
                        Previous time to limit dataframe before applying linear regression.
  --l3-filepath L3_FILEPATH
                        Path to l3 tx .csv files.
  --bufr-out BUFR_OUT   Path to the BUFR out directory.
  --timestamps-pickle-filepath TIMESTAMPS_PICKLE_FILEPATH
                        Path to the latest_timestamps.pickle file.


You can run getBUFR with the --dev flag to over-ride the timestamp checks (detailed below in latest_timestamps.pickle). This is useful for running getBUFR repeatedly for development, where you want to have station observations run through the full BUFR processing each time. In this case, the timestamp checking logic is modified as:

        if args.dev is True:
          # If we want to run repeatedly (before another transmission comes in), then don't
          # check the actual latest timestamp, and just set to two_days_ago
          latest_timestamp = two_days_ago

        if (current_timestamp > latest_timestamp) and (current_timestamp > two_days_ago):
          # Proceed with processing...

As long as you have transmissions within the last two days, using the --dev flag will force all stations through the full BUFR processing.


Running with the --positions flag (currently default in production) will write the most recent transmitted station positions to aws-l3/AWS_station_locations.csv. These positions are from a linear regression fit using the previous 3 months of transmitted data for each station. GPS-transmitted position data is used if available, otherwise modem-derived positions scraped from the email text are used (if modem-derived positions are used, no elevation is available). These are the same positions written to the BUFR files. The linear regression procedure uses sklearn and is completed in csv2bufr.linear_fit.


In addition to the optional args in getBUFR, the WMO BUFR processing is intended to be controlled by editing wmo_config.py.

stid_to_skip and vars_to_skip are used to define stations and variables to be skipped in the BUFR processing. See the comments in these sections for further instructions. It will be important to maintain this section and review for changes monthly or bimonthly! As stations are discontinued, suspect/bad data is corrected, and v3 stations rotate into the mix, we will need to update these dicts.

ibufr_settings contains all the parameters set in the BUFR files. Almost all of our stations are considered mobile and use the “synopMobil” template (parameters set under the mobile key). Two stations (WEG_B and KAN_B) are land-based and use the “synopLand” template (parameters set under the land key).

The station numbers we are registering in the BUFR file (listed under shipOrMobileLandStationIdentifier and stationNumber keys), are the 5-digit DMI identifiers, which correspond to part of the registered WIGOS identifiers. For example, CEN is ID 04407, which has the WIGOS ID of 0-208-0-04407.

Outside of wmo_config.py, note that there is also some station-specific code in csv2bufr.setStation. For the purposes of looking up the correct station ID in wmo_config.ibufr_settings['station'] this section renames THU_U2 to THU_U, JAR_O and SWC_O to JAR and SWC, and CEN2 to CEN. This code should not need to change, but is good to be aware of.


We use the latest_timestamps.pickle file to keep track of the most recent timestamp for each station. This allows us to check that submitted observations are:

  • The most recent, unique observation set from each station (not previously submitted)
  • No older than two days (Bjarne at DMI states that obs older than two days are not useful)

Pickle files are serialized python objects used for fast read/write times and compressed file size. I use this approach out of good practice and general habit, though this is a very small file that could easily have been .csv or another plain-text format. The pickle file is created from the current_timestamps dictionary, which has a simple format using stations IDs as keys (e.g. NUK_L), and timestamps as values.

The pickle file approach uses the following logic:

  • If the file is not present, create it and write the most recent timestamps for each station from the current processing run.
  • If the file is present, load it into a python dictionary as latest_timestamps. Initiate a new empty current_timestamps dict.
  • For each station, use logic (lines ~140-180 in getBUFR) to find the most recent valid timestamp, and write an entry to the current_timestamp dict.
  • We proceed with BUFR processing only if (current_timestamp > latest_timestamp) and (current_timestamp > two_days_ago), where two_days_ago = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=2).
  • After processing, the current_timestamps dict is written back to the pickle file on disk, and will then be loaded into the latest_timestamps dict for the next run.

There is no need to manually create this file. If missing it is automatically created, and it is over-written with each processing run. If you are running getBUFR for the first time (e.g. after setting up a fresh processing environment), the first run will not see the pickle file and will therefore create the file with the most recent timestamps (and no BUFR files are created). If subsequent runs are made before further transmissions are received, getBUFR will see that the times in the pickle file are the exact same as the time in the observations to be processed, so no BUFR processing will be completed. In this case, the BUFR processing will not proceed until new transmissions are received (usually the second hourly processing run).

Terminal output

Running getBUFR (independently or as part of l3_processor.sh) will produce useful print statements to the terminal. These are also viewable in stdout in the top level of the processing directory after each run.

Each processed station will show the status of the BUFR file generation. A successful export looks like:

####### Processing THU_L #######
Generating THU_L.bufr from ../aws-l3/tx/THU_L/THU_L_hour.csv
TIMESTAMP: 2023-01-12 00:00:00
Time checks passed.
Successfully exported bufr file to src/pypromice/postprocess/BUFR_out/THU_L.bufr

An unsuccessful export will look like:

####### Processing SCO_L #######
Generating SCO_L.bufr from ../aws-l3/tx/SCO_L/SCO_L_hour.csv
TIMESTAMP: 2023-01-12 00:00:00
Time checks passed.
----> No gps_alt data for SCO_L!
----> Failed min_data_check for position!

At the end of the BUFR processing, there will be a summary of results such as:

BUFR exported for 26 of 55 fpaths.

skipped: ['SWC', 'CEN1', 'XXX', 'QAS_U', 'ZAK_L', 'Roof_PROMICE', 'THU_U', 'JAR', 'KAN_B', 'NUK_U', 'KPC_Uv3', 'UWN', 'Roof_GEUS', 'QAS_Lv3', 'ZAK_U', 'KPC_L']
no_recent_data: ['UPE_U', 'KPC_Lv3', 'ZAK_Uv3', 'NEM', 'NAE', 'CEN2', 'TUN', 'SDL', 'QAS_M']
no_valid_data: []
no_entry_latest_timestamps: []
failed_min_data_wx: []
failed_min_data_pos: ['KAN_M', 'SCO_U', 'TAS_A', 'SCO_L']

If any of the data rejection lists shown in the summary don’t make sense, you will have to search them in the code and follow how they are populated.

Data latency

Reducing data latency can be very important in real-time applications, especially when related to high-impact weather events. As of January 2023, we have a latency of approximately 7 minutes. This is defining latency as the time elapsed between the time an observation is made on the icesheet, to the the time the concatenated BUFR file is uploaded to DMI.

Overall, 7 minutes is a very low latency considering we are dealing with satellite-transmitted data from a remote location. Running the processing at 5 minutes after the hour seems to be optimal timing to collect top-of-hour transmissions, with the BUFR file processing finishing about 2 minutes into the processing run resulting in 7 minutes of total latency. Rough testing has shown that transmitted messages from the top of the hour are finished sending by minutes 3 and 4 after the hour, so running at 5 minutes after the hour should collect all recently transmitted messages. Further testing could be done to establish exact timing.

Some improvements to consider in the future that could further reduce latency include:

  • Increase CPUs on the Microsoft Azure server. This will allow much faster parallel processing. However, this significantly increases server cost. This could possibly be offset using the Azure CLI to deallocate the server between processing runs (which will stop the VM’s compute costs).
  • Change the processing to only pipe through a limited window of recent time necessary to complete processing (e.g. the time needed for smoothing procedures in pypromice). Perhaps just the previous week (or hours?) of data, rather than processing the entire station history with every hourly run. Then, take the processed recent data and append to the long-term L3 record for each station. This may require some substantial rewrites, as well as a method to enable full station history re-processing when pypromice code is changed.
  • Use a “data-driven” process to trigger processing. For example, when all stations have completed the top-of-hour transmissions, we immediately commence processing (not sure how to implement).

Web resources

To see the registered GEUS stations at OSCAR/Surface, go to the OSCAR/Surface search page, under the “Organization” drop-down search for and select “GEUS”, then click “Search”.

WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring system map (update “Date”)

Documentation for ECMWF ecCodes library

ecCodes BUFR element table for WMO master table version 32

Processing steps originally based on this example

Step-by-step gist.github guide on eccodes installation

WMO Guide to Instruments and Methods of Observation